Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Has Sprung...

Q: When can you tell it is Springtime in Florida?
A: With the return of the chimes of the ice cream truck!

As you can see Alec, Adam and our neighbor, my "third son", Donovan, are enjoying the rewards of cream in the fort! The Moreys have been throughly enjoying the Florida springtime weather with walks and bike rides after dinner and I have been working on readying the front yard for new landscaping! What a long project that is, but it will be SO worth it once the flowers are blooming and the herbs are smelling divine! Even the community pool is open and it has been hot enough to partake of the cooling waters! The boys LOVE that!

We hope that wherever you are you are able to relish this special time of year and enjoy some family time together!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

She's Walking Down the Street...She's Moving...Yes, Indeed.

Well, she has made it out of the house, down the street to the STOP sign and back again two times today! Look how straight those legs are! She'll be getting some whistles now when she walks past those construction workers! Great progress!

Don't let her fool you, though, she LOVES being in
those machines! Bending and straightening, bending and straightening...she says when she is not in them she can still feel her body moving like she is still attached to them! Gaining every go, girl!! We are proud of you!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Home and Recovering

Well, Mom is back at the homefront and doing exceptionally well! She is fatigued (who wouldn't be after 2 major surgeries in 2 weeks), but the knees are coming along great! She had the staples removed from her right knee today and the incision is healing nicely. She is using her walker and her CPM contraptions and being a compliant patient. Alec even helped rig her up in the CPMs and is quite fascinated by the machines. Neither one of the boys are to interested in looking at the incisions though...they politely say, "No, thank you" when asked if they would like to see them. Tomorrow she graduates to walking outside with the physical therapist (a different one than me)! She does admit to being a bit cranky at times...we can live with that! And I think the meds are affecting her memory...the stories I tend to overhear are not as accurate as what really happened...chock it up to good drugs! Overall, great progress!
I started back at work today for a few hours...enough to let her have some freedom and expand what she can do on her own because she is here alone and HAS to do it, but not so long that she would have to be here alone with the boys once they are out of school. She is not quite ready for that yet!
Thank all of you who have continued to call and check on her to see how she is doing. It helps her spirits to know that you care, especially since she is not in her own home. We are childless this weekend since the boys will be with Dave, so maybe we can venture outside and hit a movie or something! Will have to see what she feels up to doing! Thanks again all; will continue the updates.