Thursday, April 3, 2008

Adam's Awards

Go Adam, go Adam, go Adam, go, go, go!!! Well, he did it!!! He has been working VERY hard for the last semester in school to make it to the stage to receive a Character Achievement Award and he did it this semester!!! He is pictured here with the principal receiving his medallion! He is SOOO proud!! Dad, Mom and brother, Alec, are proud too! Adam knew he was receiving the award last week when he brought home the letter, along with his Honor Roll report card, that stated the ceremony was to be tonight. Well, he was so excited that he was running around the corner of the lawn screaming, "Mom, I got it, I got it!!" He is currently sleeping with the medallion on his bedpost and the certificate tucked into the corner of a frame near his bed where he can see it when he lies on his side! What satisfaction! The other photo is him in all his glory! I think the part he loves the best though is the certificate for free ice cream in the cafeteria! The simple pleasures in life! Enjoy them all why you can!


kimberly said...

CONGRATS to you adam! The look on his face cheryl says it all that is a boy that is truely proud of all his has accomplished! I know as a mom your estatic for him too, it's an awesome reflection on our teaching abilities when our children accel in what they do and its an even greater reflection of their learning ability for them!! way to go my man im proud of you !!!

Jess said...

WAY TO GO ADAM!!! What a marvelous accomplishment ~ we are so proud of you. Enjoy your ice cream :-)

Aunt Jessie, Uncle Greg & Carson

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